The IPRS Health app is provided to patients accessing Self-Guided or Virtual Physiotherapy with IPRS Health. It is free to access and aims to empower patients, putting them in control of their own recovery and sustained well-being.
The App hosts 4 main components:
myIPRSHealth is a secure portal designed to provide self-help and education material to help manage both musculoskeletal and mental health conditions. The website contains articles, videos and downloads along with a symptom checker.
Visual Triage
We developed Visual Triage in response to feedback from patients who felt underwhelmed with their telephone triage call. The visual aspect of the call provides the patient with an engaging, personal experience.
This service is available for both Musculoskeletal/Physiotherapy Triage and Treatment along with Psychological Triage and Treatment.
Video Exercises
Patients can stream their prescribed exercises directly from the App and feedback their performance to their physiotherapist. Graphs demonstrating adherence and clinical outcomes are available for both the patient and their clinician to view.
Instant Messaging
IPRS Health patients are able to interact directly with their appointed Musculoskeletal or Psychological clinician by using the built-in instant messaging facility.
The App is available now for IPRS Health patients, and is available to download from both the Apple App store and Google Play. If you are an insurer or employer interested in this service for your patients, please contact us by clicking here.
Quality | Clinically focused | Flexible | Innovative