Thursday 1th January
24% of adults in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low-risk guidelines but millions are participating in Dry January to start 2020 with a health kick. It's not too late to get started, here's why you should...
The average household spends just over £15 a week on alcohol whilst the average night out costs around £67. Not drinking in January could save you nearly £150 over the month, think what you could do with that...
Alcohol disrupts your sleep cycle meaning you spend less time in deep sleep. This means you can wake up feeling sluggish and irritable.
Alcohol breaks down Vitamin A which is a key nutrient to keeping skin healthy and hydrated.
Alcohol contains a lot of calories, reducing your intake is bound to help you shift those extra pounds.
Did you know?
175ml glass of 12% wine = 1 chocolate mini roll
Pint of beer = 1 pack of McCoys crisps
1 Alcopop = 3 tea cakes
Calories for the average wine drinker is an extra 2000 a month
Abstaining from drinking can kick-start your liver into repairing the scarring which heavy drinking can cause.
Heavy drinking can raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
Limiting your alcohol intake can lead to improved anxiety and depression levels.
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